
Provide feedback here: Error report form, for any errors in terms of either format or facts. Effect on you form, where you can provide feedback on where you’re coming from and what effect this site had on you. Potential guest blogger contact form for people who are interested in blogging and writing for our site.

Der Elefant im Raum

Seit einer Weile habe ich für “” wöchentlich unter der Überschrift „Verweise ohne Grenzen“ eine Sammlung von Links zusammengestellt zu deutschsprachigen Artikeln, die mit dem Thema „Offene Grenzen“ zusammenhängen. Mein Betriebsgeheimnis, wie ich dabei vorgehe, ist leicht verraten: Ich google die Ergebnisse für die letzte Woche zum kombinierten Stichwort „offene Grenzen“, was normalerweise nur wenige … Continue reading Der Elefant im Raum

Research ideas

A number of possibilities for research projects are listed below. The list is regularly updated with links to relevant Open Borders posts and pages as well as external sources. Keep the following in mind: You can use these research ideas for research projects at many different levels of complexity. You might be able to get … Continue reading Research ideas


You can contact us in any of these ways: By email: Send email to Via Facebook: Send a message to us on Facebook at our Facebook page. Fill in the most appropriate of these three feedback/contact forms: error report, effect on you, and potential guest blogger contact form.


This page gives a full detailed list of all pages on the main site. Blog posts are not included. In addition to the list below, there is the Welcome to Open Borders front entry and the blog home page. View Open Borders blog coverage map in a full screen map The case for open borders … Continue reading Sitemap


The Open Borders website is privately managed by some people passionate about the issue (see the authors section for details on the people behind the curtain). We eagerly seek to work with others who can contribute more to the website. Provide feedback For more, see the feedback page. Fill this short, anonymous, error report to … Continue reading Contribute

Quotable quotes

Pro Open Borders The efficient, egalitarian, libertarian, utilitarian way to double world GDP — Bryan Caplan, title of a blog post If research energy were proportional to the inefficiency of the status quo, virtually every economist would study immigration. And if outrage were proportional to harm, virtually every protest on earth would be in favor … Continue reading Quotable quotes

External coverage

This page includes coverage of the website on other sites. Links to the site as a whole Coverage of launch (March 16, 2012) The closest available site snapshot is for March 18, 2012. Link Author, publisher, and date More information Open Borders: The Website Bryan Caplan on EconLog (March 16, 2012) This was the first … Continue reading External coverage

Culture clash

The “culture clash” argument is an important argument, or rather cluster of arguments, offered against immigration. There are two different versions of the argument. Some people make only one version of the argument, some make the other, and some make both: The culture of immigrants is objectively inferior to the culture of natives, and/or is … Continue reading Culture clash